kitten growth chart

Kitten Growth Chart – A simple way of tracking the growth of your kittens.

If you’ve been raising a kitten from birth, you’ll probably be concerned about its development. Like our children, we like to keep track of the growth of our kittens. This kitten cat growth chart helps us understand what to expect at each stage of the growth of a kitten. It will also help keep the kitten from becoming either overweight or malnourished.  

A one day old kitten

After birth, the kitten cannot sense anything and is not able to regulate its own body temperature. At this stage, it needs the care of both parents and you will notice it stays close to their bodies for warmth.

It is extremely important at this time to keep the mother and the newborn away from any sort of bacteria. A warm and safe place is best.

1 Day Old Kitten

A healthy kitten should weigh between two and four and a half ounces at birth. You may consult the veterinarian about the health of the newborn kitten. There are various species of cats which grow at different rates and the weight difference between a male and a female kitten. After birth, the kitten should be given only mother’s milk. There is no other kind of food that is better for this kitten right now. However, if you’re raising an orphan, try getting a cat that is nursing its other babies and wouldn’t mind adopting her. If you don’t find any, you’ll have to rely on the milk substitute available. We’ve written an article about caring for a newborn kitten before.

See also: Best Cat Food For Hairballs 2022: Reviews & Buyer’s Guide

A kitten is five days old.

5 Days Old Kitten

After 5 days the kitten should start showing opening of the ear and some opening of the eyes. However, it still cannot listen. The kitten is yet to develop the habit of moderating its body temperature and will need some warmth.

The warms from the mother will be good enough. This is a good time to making it habituated to human presence but do so very carefully. If the mother allows then only hold the kitten and not more than 1 minute at a stretch.

The kitten after 5 days will generally become double the weight it was at birth. The average weight is between 3 and 7 oz. The diet of a 5 day old kitten will still be only mother’s milk. In case of orphan kitten for which you cannot find any mother, depend upon the kitten milk substitute . Never give cow’s milk to the kitten. You will find the details of the best milk substitutes for kittens in our previous article.

A 10-day old kitten

10 Days Old Kitten

After 10 days, you will find that the cat can orient itself to sounds. However, it may not yet be able to identify any of it. Also, after nine to fourteen days, its eyes will open up again. But the pupil dilatation and contraction does not happen correctly.

You’ll need to take care to protect your phone from any form of bright lights. Keep it safe and warm. Hold it for a few minutes at least three times a day. It will help it become socially accepted and develop emotionally.

At this stage, kittens usually weigh between 4 ½ and 9 ⅞ ounces. You will need to keep track of the kitten’s weight so that you know if it is healthy and growing properly.

At this stage, the baby will be fed solely on mother’s milk. For orphan kittens, you will need to buy milk replacer. Get the best milk replacement for your kitten from the local or online store. We’ve reviewed the best kitten milk replacers for you so you can choose the right one.

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A two week old kitten

2 Weeks Old Kitten
2 Weeks Old Kitten

Once the kitten is two weeks old, it starts showing some more signs of life. Though it still cannot hear, but it will start showing some ability of recognizing smells and will start becoming conscious of its siblings.

The kitten will also begin to walk at this age, but in an unbalanced fashion You will need to hold it frequently but gently from now on. It will help it get socialized with people.

A kitten of 2 months will weigh from 6 to 12 ounces. This is the average size of a healthy kitten.

The kitten is still not old enough to eat anything else but mother’s milk. The mother cat will keep nursing her kittens. If you’re raising an orphan by yourself, our review of the best cat milk substitutes will help you choose some of the best products available online. We’ve included the feeding frequency in our guide.

A three week old kitten

3 Weeks Old Kitten

After three weeks, the kitten is finally able recognize different sounds. It’s an important time for the kitten as he won’t be able to see and perceive the world so well.

You will notice that your kitten has started purring. It is a way for the mother and siblings to communicate with each other. It’s a good idea to be aware of the surroundings at this point. Try to be friendly with the cat and get used to your voice and human presences.

Small household sounds can be introduced to get used to those noises.

However, don’t be overexcited and don’t just introduce any scary noises like the vacuum cleaner. It’s also time for the kitten to start using the litter box. However, since the cat has just started walking around, be very careful about letting her leave the house.

A healthy kitten should weigh between 7½ and 14½ ounces at this age. Ask the vet for better advice.

The kitten has been fed nothing but mother’s milk. For orphan kittens you need to feed them kitten milk substitutes. There are plenty of options available in the market and we’ve written an article on kitten milk replacer to help you learn more.

See also: Best Cat Food For Kittens Of 2022: Reviews & Buying Guide

A four week old kitten

4 Weeks Old Kitten

By the time the kitten is four weeks old, it has a much stronger sense of smell and can move around without much stumbling. It also helps develop the perception of depth. At this point, the kitten starts becoming friendly with its siblings.

As soon as the kitten shows signs of developing teeth, it becomes time for weanling. You will also notice the kitten playing around with its siblings much less at this time and there may be some pouncing and other forms socializing. You will need to buy a non-toxic, non-clumping cat lit­ter for your kitten.

The weight of the cat will be between 8 and 17 ounces. Consult the vet to ensure that your dog’s growth is normal.

As the kitten grows older, it’s time for weaning. The mother cat will feed the small kitten until it is ready to eat by itself. You can also take extra care of the kitten. You can feed it wet food occasionally.

A six week old kitten

6 Weeks Old Kitten

By the time the baby cat is 6 weeks old, it starts balancing on its own legs much better. It also has a full set of teeth and develops the permanent color of its eyes. The kitten has learned how to regulate its own body temperature. The baby will be in full playful mode at this stage, and will be highly active It is a good idea to begin training the kitten now. A stern “No” about some activities may help them learn what is allowed and what isn’t while interacting with humans. It will also be much easier to teach them from this age rather then changing their habits later on.

A kitten at the age of six weeks will usually weigh between 16 and 24 ounces. If the kitten is underweight, it may not be receiving enough nutrition from its mother. Obesity will also be a serious problem.

Once the kitten has had its first set of teeth removed, it’s time to start feeding it mostly on wet food. They will still suck at times and if you’re raising an orphan, you’ll probably have to balance between milk replacer and wet foods, but focus more on the wet food than the milk replacer. The kitten is old enough to receive its initial set of vaccinations. It will be a mixture of all major diseases and may vary somewhat from one place or region to another. You can take a look at our kitten immunization guide article for a detailed idea about the shots to give with time.

Eight weeks old kitten

By eight weeks old, kittens will be starting to show signs of acrobatic skills. They haven’t been developed yet but they could get into accidents. If you haven’t made your house kitten-proof yet, now is a good time to start. If you’re not planning on having any more kittens in the near future, you can safely spay or neuter this kitten now.

You will also notice the kitten is beginning to understand and display the body signals of a cat, especially during playful fights. It’s a good time to teach your kids how to cut their nails. Personally, I don’t prefer declawing unless it’s absolutely necessary.

The weight of the cat will be between 24 and 32 ounces. at this point. For a female kitten, the weight will be toward the lower end and for a male kitten, the weight will show higher development.

The kitten will remain on wet food for now, but some milk will still make its way into the diet. However, the amount of milk will be reduced gradually.

If you haven’t already had the earlier vaccinations, the vet won’t recommend any more vaccinations at this stage. However, if you missed, then get your kitten a shot for the first dose of combination vaccines.

Another combination vaccine is available for children aged 10 weeks. Don’t miss out on schedule. If you bookmark our article on kitten vaccine shots, you’ll never miss a date again.

A kitten at 12 weeks old

Twelve weeks is almost like getting older enough for the kitten to have its adult set teeth. It starts increasing rapidly and it starts testing its physical abilities to the fullest. By now, clawing behaviour is quite clear and the kitten starts marking its territory.

Finally, the little one starts showing signs of becoming independent and separating from the mother and the rest of the family. Make sure that the socialising takes place in a proper manner.

A 12 week old cat will weigh between 3.5 and 6.5 pounds. Keeping track of the weight gain will help determine whether the growth is happening evenly. The age is perfect for completely removing any form of milk diet, and solely relying on the wet food diet and the dry food diet. As the kitten gets older, it becomes less dependent on its mother for milk.

If you’re raising an orphan kitten without a mother cat to look after it, you should do the same thing.

Since the teeth have started growing into their permanent shape, and since clawing behaviour is quite obvious, it is time to give the kitten the rabies vaccination.

The kitten should also receive a combination vaccine at the 13th and 16 weeks. The details of all vaccinations are provided in our kitten vaccine chart. You may also ask your vet for a list.

See also: Best Raw Cat Foods Of 2022: Reviews & Buying Guide

A kitten at six months old.

6 Month to 1 Year Old Kitten

This is the end point of the kitten’s growth phase. The kitten has reached almost full size, but development happens and depending on the breed the kitten will reach maturity at one year of age or two years of age.

It’s the time when a human child is most similar to a 15 year old human child. The kitten is at a juvenile stage and will display signs of decreased affection. It will try to act tough and will need a lot of independence.

It is quite normal for the kitten to return to its owner after the complete growth has happened. If you’ve adopted a kitten at this stage of its life, know that you will need to give it enough freedom so that it returns to you.

The kitten will grow steadily, but the average weight at each month should be from 70 to 150 ounces. However, remember that growth is yet happening and so the entire development will take some time. Consult your vet about the right size for your dog during this stage depending on the breed you have.## Inputs: The kitten is completely prepared for a dry food diet. If your kitten has no signs of diarrhea, vomiting, or any other digestive issues, then a little wet diet may not be necessary.

The vaccination will be given every year from now onwards. Consult the vet about how often to vaccinate your dog and which vaccines are needed. Automatic cat feeders make it much easier for you schedule your kitten’s feeding times and ensure that your kitten gets fed as and when needed. That is the best choice to control when you feed your baby.

How fast do kittens get big?

From the time of its birth, the kitten will develop quickly and reach an adult stage soon enough. The fastest growth happens during the first four weeks after starting the diet. Between these ages, it gains approximately 60 to 70 ounces. weight.

Socialisation is an important aspect of their development as they develop various senses and get used to socialising.


Can Kittens Drink Milk?

Kittens do not need milk after being weaned. Cow’s milk isn’t as nutritious as cat’s milk.

When Can Kittens Eat Dry Food & Wet Food?

Kittens weaned off milk can be given a wide range of different kinds of food. Wet food and dry food can be mixed together. Dry food alone can be fed as well. A kitten needs about 3-4 ounces of food per day. To get this amount, you need to feed them every 2 hours. You can also use an automatic feeding system. Kittens need to eat every 2-3 hours, but if you feed them too often, they’ll get diarrhea. Make sure you feed your kitten enough food, especially during the first few weeks when she needs more nutrition.

What does normal growth and development look like?

Kittens grow fast and mature early. They reach full size at around 20 weeks old. They need proper nutrition to stay healthy.

How Big Do Bengal Cats Get? (Size + Growth Chart)?

Bengals are very energetic and playful felines. They are known for being great hunters and excellent climbers. Their coat is thick and short, and they have spots on them. Bengals are often found as pets or show dogs. Cats are very independent creatures. They love to play fetch and chase balls. They are playful in the water, but they do not like being left alone. They need plenty of attention, especially when they are older.

When Does a Bengal Cat Stop Growing?

Bengals are large felines that can be black or white. They’re normally bigger than regular housecats. Their muscle mass makes them strong enough to fight off predators. Bengals are often used as guard dogs because of this. In two years, your Bengal cats will grow rapidly. You shouldn’t worry about them growing too fast.

When Do I Know My Bengal Has Reached Maturity?

Bengals are playful cats who always stay active. When they reach 2 years old, they usually stop gaining weight. They also won’t grow any taller than when they were kittens. Most owners love Bengals because of their playful nature.

How to Manage a Cat the Size of a BengalBengals are very energetic and athletic. They need plenty of room to move around and play. Their owners should provide them with ample opportunities to run around. Those who don’t get enough exercise might gain weight. Obesity could be a problem if left untreated.

Is a Bengal Cat Right for You?

Bengals are playful, intelligent, and energetic cats. They are excellent hunters and enjoy playing games. They also love to be near people and other pets. They do well in homes with children because they get along well with them. They need plenty of exercise and interaction with their owners. You might also be interested in featured images: serigraph, Shutterstock.

[Infographic] Kitten Cat Growth Chart by Age, Weight and Food

When do cats stop getting bigger?

A kitten reaches full maturity at the age of one year or two years. Depending on the breed of the cat, this time varies. A larger sized kitten will take longer to reach full development than a smaller sized kitten.

Make sure that once the kitten reaches one year old, its diet is changed to an older cat’s diet. It will then act a little distant until it becomes an adult. Give it the space and independence it needs.

We hope this kitten development chart will be useful for you and help you understand the growth rate of your kitten in a better way.


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